Construction to Impact Table Rock Road


White City, OR – Beginning in February, the Medford Water Commission will start construction on a water main replacement that will impact traffic on Table Rock Road. The project will involve significant construction within the roadway from the water treatment plant on the Rogue River, south to Vilas Road. Construction will result in temporary lane closures and traffic delays over the course of the next year. 

“This is a major project that will improve our public infrastructure, but it does not come without inconvenience. Travelers on Table Rock Road north of Vilas Road should expect delays for the foreseeable future. Drivers may want to consider an alternate route to avoid the congestion,” says Steve Lambert, Jackson County Roads, and Parks Director. The Water Commission, their contractor and Jackson County Roads will work cooperatively to minimize impacts as the project progresses, but travelers should expect delays.

For local traffic entering the work areas, please slow down, use caution, watch for workers, and obey all traffic control signs and flaggers.

Project information can be found at: